Friday, June 8, 2012

Another Publication

My short story "Renovation" is available in Readerotica 4. Available HERE for the Kindle/Kindle PC.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012


My short story, Ice, is available in Readerotica 3. You can download it for the Kindle/Kindle for PC here. It's part of a collection of ten sexy stories to get you in the mood. Enjoy!

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Long Time, No See

After taking a few months off to deal with RL, I'm back. I continued to write and submit work while I was gone, but time contraints prevented me from keeping up with the blog. But I'm back now. Hopefully for a good long while. And with NEWS! My short story (Ice) is being released as part of Readerotica 3. I should have a link for free download within a few days. I'm quite pleased about it. I'd submitted that story to an antho and then spent almost a year waiting for some response. Even a few polite queries about the status of the story went unanswered. Needless to say, I won't be submitting any further work to that editor. Readerotica offered me the same monetary compensation as the antho would have and they want non-exclusive electronic rights, leaving me free to continue trying to sell the story as a reprint. Not too shabby. More updates and previews of W'sIP coming soon.